We've been here since early 2014 and we have receieved a few testimonials on our website, but as of late 2018 we have moved our review serction to Google and Facebook. If you would like to let us know your experience with Web For Actors we would love to hear from you.

Adalberto H. - Web For Actors client


As an actor I can get all the help I need with a free actors website.. Free is even better,so I've used it on the side and amen it truly works sincerely yours free..

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Actor Website Tips | Don't fall for the custom designed website trap - use templates.

Custom design for actor website might be your biggest mistake Time an time again I get contacted by actors asking me if I can keep their design and move their acting website over to IADB. It saddens me to hear their developer horror stories of how they've paid someone $800 or...

Fun Facts | Websites for Actors

Build your actor website Build your #actor #website on a long elevator ride.

Actor Casting Hints | Impress Casting Directors

How to get cast Be confident, but not smug. Think of something pleasant before you go in, and keep your head up.

Actor Dictionary | STAGE RIGHT

What you should know To the performer's right side, to the audience's left side. Likewise, STAGE LEFT is to the performer's left, the audience's right. Stage directions are for actors, not audiences, therefore they are always given from the actor's point of view to the audience.

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